Do you know that heart disease is a leading cause of death in America? This is why it's critical to raise awareness and educate people about improving their heart health.
On average, a heart beats 2.5 billion times a lifetime. That’s quite a whopping figure! Therefore, it’s essential to keep this muscle in a proper working state by keeping it healthy and strong.
Continue reading our blog to discover some heart-healthy food choices.
Risk Factors of Heart Diseases
Several risk factors increase your risk of heart disease. Approximately one out of three Americans have at least one of these risk factors:
· High blood pressure
· High cholesterol levels
· Smoking
· Unhealthy diet
These risk factors are triggered by age and lifestyle trends, including having a saturated-fat diet or physical inactivity.
Improve Your Heart Health by Making Healthy Choices
While age and genetics are beyond a person’s control, the good news is that you can control specific lifestyle and food choices to enjoy improved heart health. According to recent studies, curtailing your tobacco use, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining your body weight can lead to longer and better lives.
Some Heart-Healthy Choices
MeFit Vending is committed to providing people with healthier lives by offering them a wide array of nutritious food and beverages. With MeFit Vending machines, you can have access to low-calorie snacks and diet soda drinks. You can easily achieve your heart-healthy goals with our vending machines.
Here are some popular healthy food choices available with our vending machines.

Whether fresh or dried, berries are rich in antioxidants and contain more iron than spinach, which is excellent for blood circulation and the heart. Moreover, they carry significant amounts of Vitamin C, fiber, and are low on calories. Thus, they’re a complete package of nutrients and energy.
Diet Soda Drinks and Beverages
Limit your sugar intake to promote your heart health. You can do this by consuming diet soda drinks or other beverages with low sugar content. Read the labels on the products before consuming them to get an idea of how much sugar you’re consuming. The recommendation states six teaspoons of sugar for women and nine teaspoons for men—however, the lower, the better.
Add Oatmeal to Your Diet
Oatmeal contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps lower down your bad cholesterol levels and high blood glucose levels.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolates are richer in antioxidants and lower in sugar content. Therefore, they're beneficial for your heart. They also reduce blood pressure, lower inflammation, and curtail cholesterol levels.
Not only do nuts such as peanuts, pistachios, almonds, and walnuts enrich your taste buds, but they also help you lower down your increased cholesterol levels.
If you’re looking for healthy vending machines for your workplaces, schools, or universities in San Jose, reach out to our representatives of MeFit Vending.
Our vending machines are eco-friendly and stock nutritious, wholesome food and drinks. To install a full-service vending machine in San Jose, contact us at (408) 673 7442 today!